
In today’s fitness and wellness landscape, countless approaches claim to offer the ultimate solution, yet only a select few, like Functional Patterns (FP), address the core issues plaguing our modern

Explore the often-overlooked impact of posture on our health and well-being in 'The Invisible Gorilla in Our Posture.' Understand how subtle posture habits can lead to chronic pain and affect

Rafa Caetano

As a Brazilian-born Australian, I aim to guide you in moving with intention, power, and elegance. I’m here to help you grow confident and resilient, ready to tackle life’s challenges through the empowering lens of exercise – physically, mentally, and emotionally

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Discover the Hidden Culprit

What’s causing your headaches?


Fast Relief

DIY technique for instant comfort.


Everyday Triggers

Unmask the common habits

 intensifying your tension.


Beyond Medication

Natural approaches to soothe 

those stubborn headaches.



Seize control and restore

 your well-being.