Success Stories

Ani's Story: Finding Strength and Joy Beyond Pain

"I have had chronic lifelong pain from hypermobility and the related health issues with being autistic"

Rafa was a last ditch attempt to not go under the knife. When I first saw him, I couldn’t stand for longer than 10 minutes, and sitting and lying down was also painful. After six months, I experienced a huge improvement in my posture and, more generally, my quality of life. No one has ever been able to do that before.

– Ani

The Struggle

Meet Ani – a lively soul with a love for life, yet trapped in a world of relentless pain. Ani’s journey has been a tough one, grappling with the challenges of hypermobility and the complexities that come with being autistic. Things took a harsher turn in 2008 with a slipped disc, turning even standing for a mere 10 minutes into an agonizing task. Ani tried everything– from specialist consultations to considering experimental surgeries – but nothing seemed to touch the root of the pain.

A New Hope

Fast forward to 2018, Ani was almost ready to give up but decided to try one last thing – a non-surgical approach. That’s when Ani met me, Rafa, at Fisica. Right from our first meeting, I could see that Ani’s pain wasn’t about nerves or discs – it was all muscular. Ani’s hypermobility needed a special touch, so together, we embarked on a journey tailored just for Ani, focusing on improving mobility, posture, and muscle activation.

The Breakthrough

The change wasn’t overnight, but within six months, Ani’s world transformed. The pain that once ruled Ani’s life became something manageable. Biking, walking, running – activities that once seemed like distant dreams – were back in Ani’s life. Sure, Ani’s condition is a lifelong companion, but now, Ani has the tools and techniques to take control, significantly cutting down those endless physio and massage sessions.

Bec's Journey: From Everyday Exhaustion to Energetic Empowerment

“As a woman in her 40s with two kids, I thought it was inevitable that I was consistently tired, lacked motivation for exercise and had ongoing back and knee pain.”

His knowledge and understanding of human mechanics is amazing and I’ve never been as committed to turning up to a session as I have been training here. I now rarely have pain and I feel like I’m finally training smart, not just hard.


The Everyday Struggle

Bec’s story might sound familiar to many. A devoted mum in her 40s, she had come to terms with constant fatigue, a nagging lack of motivation for exercise, and the all-too-familiar back and knee pain. To her, these were just the unavoidable side effects of motherhood and getting older. Tiredness and discomfort had become her daily companions.

A Fresh Start with Rafa

Then, along came Rafa with his expertise in human biomechanics. From our first meeting, Bec was amazed by my understanding of the human body and my approach to training. We ditched those typical high-intensity workouts and instead, focused on how her body naturally moves and functions.

Bec's Breakthrough

The changes didn’t just happen overnight, but within a few months, the transformation was incredible. Those pains that used to be part of Bec’s everyday life? They turned into rare annoyances. But it wasn’t just about less pain – Bec felt a surge in her overall well-being. This newfound energy has spilt over from her training sessions into every part of her day.

Kara's Story: Finding Balance and Strength with Rafa

"Rafa's an amazing support system and provides informative sessions that challenge my physical ability and understanding of my body"

Thanks to him, I am more in tune and aligned with my body, which has empowered me to learn and grow as a coach and trainer. Rafa’s approach is multifaceted and he supports me in investigating what’s working and what’s not. I appreciate his supportive attitude and his ability to keep me accountable for the things that I need to be accountable for.

– Kara

Meet Kara: A Fitness Dynamo with a Challenge

Kara’s the kind of person who lives and breathes fitness. A CrossFit coach, weightlifting instructor, yoga teacher, and business owner – she’s done it all. But despite her impressive resume, Kara was battling some tough challenges behind the scenes.

She’d been through the wringer with injuries – a strained lower back muscle, dislocated ribs, you name it. And these weren’t just minor setbacks. They were big hurdles, stopping her from doing what she loves most.

A New Chapter with Rafa

Then, Kara met me, Rafa. It wasn’t about finding just another trainer for her. It was about finding someone who really understood her struggles. I introduced Kara to a new perspective on fitness. It wasn’t about pushing harder; it was about understanding her body, mastering the art of breathing, and moving in ways that were both healing and natural.

The Transformation Begins:

At first, Kara was skeptical. Could something as simple as breathing and mobility exercises really turn things around? But as she embraced my approach, the changes were undeniable. Her movements became smoother, her strength grew, and she gained a deeper understanding of her body. More than just physical changes, I helped Kara see fitness as a journey of growth and self-discovery.

Life-Altering Lessons

Working with me was a game-changer for Kara. She learned how to blend different fitness styles, from the intensity of CrossFit to the calm of yoga, always keeping her body’s needs in the spotlight. In her words, “You’re going to understand yourself that little bit better.” That’s what my training is all about – it’s personal, it’s empowering, and it’s tailored just for you.

Ready to Begin?

 Book your initial consultation today. Take that first, crucial step towards a life enriched with strength, mobility, and freedom. It’s not just training; it’s a journey towards your best self.

Learn an actionable technique for immediate relief!

Discover the Hidden Culprit

What’s causing your headaches?


Fast Relief

DIY technique for instant comfort.


Everyday Triggers

Unmask the common habits

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Beyond Medication

Natural approaches to soothe 

those stubborn headaches.



Seize control and restore

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